Be sure and mark these dates on your calendars for distribution of Student Schedules for the 09-10 school year:
*Monday, August 10: Seniors
*Tuesday, August 11: Juniors
*Wednesday, August 12: Sophomores
*Thursday, August 13: Freshmen
*Friday, August 14: Make-up Day for any students who were unable to come to campus on their designated day.
More details about this event will be sent home to all students in the coming weeks.
Students will be assigned alphabetically to specific periods of time, and should either bring a lock for their locker, or come prepared to purchase a lock. Also, any student who owes money for textbooks will be required to make payment before being issued textbooks for 09-10.
Our FEET camp (Freshmen Entering Eagle Territory) will take place Saturday, August 15, from Noon - 3 pm.
Things are coming together. . .