Homecoming is right around the corner, and I hope you are ready to get your Eagle spirit on! Keep your eye on our web site (http://www.ellisoneagles.org/) to keep up with all the events coming up:
Monday, October 24- Marvel Monday- Help us kick off Homecoming week by letting your inner super hero shine through! Remember that you must still be in dress code!
Tuesday, October 25- Stay Day / Twin Day- Dress like someone else and stay on campus to enjoy visiting with your fellow classmates! We will have a DJ on campus in the commons area for your musical enjoyment along with various club booths so you can see all of the great activities EHS has to offer! So stay on campus that day and be a part of the fun!
Wednesday, October 26- Western Wednesday- Dress up in your favorite western wear but make sure you are still in dress code! The only exception will be that if you are dressed in your western wear, you may wear a cowboy hat. No baseball caps or other hats will be allowed! We will also have our Homecoming pep rally this day, so stay tuned for more information on that!
Thursday, October 27- Dress up Day- Dress up for school and wear your guarders and mums! Seniors will take their traditional Homecoming panoramic picture outside the science wing that morning at 8:15. Seniors who want to be in the photograph must be outside the science wing by 8:15 with IDs on to verify they are a senior. Please do not bring book bags or large purses with you to the picture.Our Homecoming Football Game is Thursday night at 7 pm at Buckley Stadium.
Homecoming Ceremonies will take place during halftime around 8:00pm. Come to Buckley Stadium to find out who will be crowned and cheer on the varsity football team to a Homecoming victory!
Friday, October 28- Flash Back Friday- Dress like someone from the past but again, make sure you are in dress code! Make sure you also are ready for the Homecoming Dance that evening as we finish out a great week!
Go Eagles!

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